Saturday, March 6, 2010

We are such mean parents....

I almost feel bad for posting these pictures because I know Lincoln will hate us one day when he sees these :)
Sheridan thinks it is so funny to make Lincoln have a "fat face".....the last picture cracks me up every time I see it!

Poor baby....he doesn't even look cute here just chubby!

Here is what Sheridan does - it is so mean but so funny! Chubby Cheekers :)

hahahaha I crack up every time I see this photo!!


  1. I love his chubby cheekers! We have had so much fun this weekend. Hopefully he wasn't up all night last night since he slept all through lunch. We'll have to get together this week for sure!

  2. We had so much fun too! He actually slept really well, surprisingly. Was asleep by 8:30 and was only up three times throughout the night. Yes lets definitely get together this week! I'll email or call you later and we can figure out details :)


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